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CHA 2013 Goodies Giveaway Day 1

  I've got GOODIES that I want to share with you! That's right, ALL WEEK LONG! Free, awesome, creative inspiration from CHA 2013 for you to enjoy. How do you win, you ask? SIMPLE:

1. Head over to my Facebook Page and Like Branch Out Designs
2. Tag a friend in the comment box for today's prize
3. Make sure to stop back here, and leave a comment telling me 
What product, line, embellishment, stamp, technique, trend are you most looking forward to from CHA 2013 Winter's show?

ALL Winners announced Friday!

here's a sneak peak of Monday's prize. See the whole prize at my facebook page

Lots of new changes at Branch Out Designs in 2013 including Video tutorials, tips and techniques, top tens to get you talking and more. Don't forget to comment below!


  1. I have been drooling over CHA goodies! I really wish I could be there!

  2. Did it! It took me a while to find the photo though, somehow it doesn't show in your timeline, it's over on the side where other people comment. Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. Love the new wood veneers!

  4. There are SO many new things coming out! I have seen a few. I LOVE the "Secret Garden" collection from G45. I liked you on Facebook and shared your post. I don't know how to tag on there, so I hope sharing is ok to qualify for your drawing. Happy New Year to you!

  5. I am loving the arrows all kinds of washi not just tape,and the anchors too among millions more!!!

  6. The item I was most looking forward to seeing at CHA was of all things, the envelope punch by WRMK. I know, it's not cute or decorative, but it is just so doggone useful! And then you can use all the new lines of say, Graphic 45 French Country, or Websters Romance papers to make really nice envelopes for your cards.

  7. i love amy tangerine line stamps everything also tim holtz dies and stamps set thanks for the chance

  8. I love the new basic grey background stamps.

  9. Did it all! I am excited for EVERYTHING from CHA, but I think mostly for the new washi tapes. Because I've got a *thing* for tape. lol

  10. Oh goodness! I don't know if I can pick. There is so much goodness coming out. I definitely need to spend more time finding out about all the new products.

  11. i liked ,shared and tagged !!!

  12. I shared , liked and taged . Im looking forward to Lucky Charm from American Crafts but there are so many more . Thanks for a chance to win.

  13. I tagged my friend...what a great prize...thank you for the chance to win!

  14. Oh, how exciting is this! I tagged a friend after my sweet friend tagged me!

  15. Wish I could have went to CHA! I tagged a friend over on FB. Pick me please, I never win anything... new follower here..Janet Royer

  16. I'm very much looking forward to seeing/using the newest idea-ology items from Tim Holtz because they are perfect for my steampunk projects but I have to say, I've seen SO many awesome new goodies this CHA that there are so many new items and things I want to try out that I don't even know where to start!

  17. Very cool giveaway! I am so anxious to get my hands on the new products from Graphic 45, specifically the Secret Garden collection. The papers and embellies are absolutely gorgeous! I'm also looking forward to seeing the new Webster's Pages stuff. There are tons of other things I saw that grabbed me but these 2 are tops on my list. Have my fingers crossed to win one of your prizes.

  18. Looking forward to seeing all the new products Ranger has in store. Thanks for the chance to win!

  19. I see so many new fun things but I love anything Pink Paislee! Wish I could see the show in person! Thank you for a chance to win!


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